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Shari Albright


Raise Your Hand Texas Foundation

What is your favorite book?

I am a big fan of Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist, as it’s a tale of searching, adventure-seeking, self-discovery and a reminder to follow your dreams.  It was given to me as a gift just as a new opportunity presented itself many years ago, and it inspired me to seek that new challenge.  I love a book that comes to you at just the right time to speak to your life.

Who was your favorite teacher?

After a rough start to kindergarten, I ended up with tremendous kindergarten teacher named Vivian Hix at Westcreek Elementary in Fort Worth ISD.  She was someone who saw potential in me, let me be the eager learner that I wanted to be, and pulled me into helping other students in my class, which sowed the seeds for my wanting to become a teacher.


What is your proudest accomplishment?

As a first generation college-goer whose parents dreamed of me going to college, finding my way to Trinity University for my undergraduate degree and sharing each step of the experience with my mom and dad, so that they could live vicariously through me, may be one of my proudest accomplishments.  Then, a number of years later, to see my mom and dad beaming as I received my doctorate from Teachers College – Columbia University in NYC was beyond imaginable for me and for them.


What is your favorite thing about your career?

In education, every day you have an opportunity to make a difference for some student, family, colleague or the overall school or system.  I deeply believe that education is the key, it’s our best pathway to equity, and it holds the promise of the future of our communities, states and our nation.  Who wouldn’t want to wake up and do this work every day with some of the most committed colleagues and partners you can imagine?!?


Why is education in SAISD important to you?

As our inner core school district in San Antonio, SAISD matters.  It matters to the 50,000+ students, their families and educators; it matters to the economic well-being of San Antonio; it matters to future employers seeking a well-educated workforce; and it matters to me because I live in the district, pay taxes in the district, and believe in its vision of creating a world-class inner city school system for San Antonio.

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