Burbank High School's Ag in the City

In fall 2023, Burbank hosted Ag in the City for the first time since 2019, and its return was triumphant! This program brought elementary school students, high school students, and animals together to provide a unique learning experience at Burbank High School centered on urban farming. Elementary students made friends with chickens, pigs, and goats, while high school students taught hands-on lessons like how to make butter and ice cream from scratch. Students of all ages bonded with each other and with the Earth, experiencing what agricultural science programs are all about.
None of this would have been possible without the generous support of H-E-B. With the $10,000 investment, we helped Burbank purchase new livestock for the program that was featured at the event and new scales that are being used to monitor animal health. At the SAISD Foundation Inspire Awards, the team and students showcased the transformative power of a robust agricultural learning program. “We’re making connections,” shared SAISD Superintendent Jaime Aquino, “high school students are mentoring elementary school students and sharing the excitement of learning [and] connecting with the Earth that produces the food we eat.”
The program continued in the fall of 2024 with elementary students returning to Burbank to see the animals. Thanks to H-E-B, the program is flourishing.