About the Belle Ortiz Legacy Fund

Isabel “Belle” Ortiz otherwise known as the “Mother of Mariachi Music Education” made a significant impact on ensuring the art of mariachi and ballet folklórico is practiced in San Antonio ISD and beyond. As the founder of mariachi education in Texas and the United States, her passion for music education has influenced generations of students. As not only an educator and administrator in San Antonio ISD, but also as an alumna of Lanier High School herself, the Belle Ortiz Legacy Fund has been create to ensure these cultural art forms flourish in SAISD for years to come.
Her family, friends and colleagues continuing her legacy through four initiatives impacting today’s students.
Join us in Continuing the Work
You have the power to support the Belle Legacy Fund and the impact it has on today’s SAISD students. By donating you become a part of the vision to put SAISD back on top as a premier school district for mariachi and ballet folklórico programming.
With your support, opportunities continue to grow for our students. This is showcased in the Fall 2024 relaunch of a ballet folklórico at Lanier High School.
Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors

With their contribution to ballet folklórico at Harris Middle School, more students have access to learning the traditional art.

By supporting the launch of the Belle Ortiz Memorial Scholarships for mariachi and ballet folklórico students, pursuing higher education is more achievable.
Recent Donors
Campanas de America
JoAnn Boone
Adelfa Reyna
Amber Hausenfluck
Beth Guastella
Bobbigai Tribble
Cleo Aufderhaar
Hope Andrade
Irma Garcia-Restaino
Janet & Rob Holliday & The CE Group, Inc.
Jorge Herrera
Katie Reynolds
Lasso Alumni Association
Lukin T Gilliland Jr.
Lynn Bradshaw
Mary Patino
Meza Family
Olive Anne Kleberg
Ortiz & San Miguel Families
Rosette Davila
Roxanne Trinidad
Sid L. Harle
Silver Eagle Distributors
Texas Senate Democratic Caucus
Theresa Mazuca Garcia
Blakely Fernandez
David Silva
Gerald Lee
Jose/Marissa Alvarado
Tiffany O’Neill
Donate online through the form or pay by check
Be sure to note "Belle Ortiz" on the memo line
Mail donations by check to:
SAISD Foundation
2411 San Pedro
San Antonio, TX 78212

Four Ways to Impact
This fund aims to honor Ortiz’s legacy by investing in the programs she was instrumental in creating. Elevating opportunities for students and programs and reach our shared vision of SAISD’s programs regaining their reputation as pioneers and leaders in these art forms in Texas schools.
Ortiz had a passion to support students and their journey to completing higher education. Her passion is honored through scholarships available to SAISD students.
Continuing education opportunities and competition fees can add up quickly. By giving to the Belle Ortiz Legacy Fund these obstacles no longer prevent students from gaining the most out of their music education.
As each program develops quality musicians and dancers, the Belle Ortiz Legacy Fund works meet the students where their talents take them. Whether local or national, fees for competitions are covered at no cost to participating students or their families.
Students’ access to quality instruments make a difference in how they can improve their skills as musicians. While working toward our vision of expanding mariachi programming at schools, together we can ensure each group has access to the equipment needed for every student who wants to participate at no cost to them or their families.
As these art forms regain popularity in our schools, more uniforms are needed to ensure every student can participate without an additional cost to their families. High-quality and culturally-relevant attire also emphasize our commitment to students in their efforts to practice each art to their full potential.
See the Work in Action