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Jose Ramon Campos


CommonWealth Coffeehouse & Bakery


What is your favorite book?

The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho

Who was your favorite teacher?

Mrs. Peggy Hair – 7th & 8th grade English St. George Episcopal School

Mrs. Hair was not just a teacher but a mentor as well. Smart and intelligent but wise and kind, instructive but also patient and consistent. She instilled in me a passion for literature, writing, and proper grammar.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

My proudest accomplishments have involved overcoming significant challenges, being persistent and uniting diverse parties toward realizing a goal.

Accomplishing Eagle Scout was not a given and I have my dad to thank for his consistent presence pushing me to achieve scouting’s highest award prior to the deadline on my eighteenth birthday.

Opening our first location off Davis Ct. over half a decade ago was also not a given and actually not supposed to happen with the city’s zoning mistake putting our plans on complete hold. I believe the resilience and composure of my business partner and the overwhelming support from within our community allowed us to prevail and offer the authentic French pastries and fresh coffee we are now renowned for.

What is your favorite thing about your career?

I appreciate the fact that my decisions can play a significant factor in both our successes and our failures. This drives me to better understand the challenges we face and appreciate the opportunities ahead as well. I am proud of the commitment and long-term relationships we have developed and maintained with various local nonprofits to strengthen our growing and diverse community.

Why is education in SAISD important to you?

As our city grows and develops further, SAISD stands to serve as the major driver for developing home-grown talent and a competitive work force from the ground up. As a major urban school district, SAISD plays a significant role in the education and development of our youth. The students of today will become the leaders of tomorrow that help shape our city’s culture, linguistic diversity, and economic competitiveness. I believe a great education can spur significant change economically, but more importantly build self-worth and restore a sense of dignity.

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