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Steve Young

Vice President of Technology & Innovation

VIA Metropolitan Transit


What is your favorite book?

My recent favorite book is “Happy City: Transforming Our Lives Through Urban Design”. This book digs deep into how cities in the United States have developed over time, and why we have ended up with ever expanding suburban sprawl, often leading to less vibrant city centers.  This type of development can shift tax revenue from the city center to support much less tax efficient suburbs. This type of development certainly has had direct impact on San Antonio, and has certainly contributed to many of the challenges the city and SAISD have faced in the past.  Anyone interested in how San Antonio can handle and plan for the influx of a million or more future residents should consider reading this great book.


Who was your favorite teacher?

This one is difficult for me, as there were so many good teachers, and each good for a different reason.  I remember my high school history teacher especially well, as he really took the time to offer up differing perspectives to his students to get them thinking and looking at the world from offering viewpoints. This thoughtful approach gave his students an incredibly important life long skill.


What is your proudest accomplishment?

Helping to raise two very awesome boys that are now grown and doing very well in their college academic lives.


What is your favorite thing about your career?

Working at VIA Metropolitan Transit, I love how we can contribute to the mobility of so many San Antonio and Bexar County residents, offering them a mobility bridge to work, school, medical needs, and so much more.


Why is education in SAISD important to you?

I truly believe that without good education and transportation, much of our community will be left behind, which would be terrible for San Antonio economically. We need a highly educated workforce to compete in Texas and globally. SAISD is really addressing numerous challenges head on and improving the future options for so many San Antonio children.

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