Create a legacy and Give tomorrow’s assets, today
You have the power to create a legacy gift that will have a profound and enduring impact on students and schools in San Antonio ISD. We are here to collaborate with you in creating an endowment using current assets or discussing planned giving options to enable you to make a lasting gift from future assets.
Learn more on planned giving below, many of which have signifiant tax benefits.
Did You Know?
The average person writes their first will at 44, while the average donor makes their first planned gift at 52.
When you designate the SAISD Foundation as a beneficiary, partial beneficiary or contingent beneficiary be sure you use our unique Tax ID: 74-2861587 on your paperwork. The SAISD Foundation is also legally known as San Antonio Foundation for Excellence in Education, Inc. dba SAISD Foundation. If you have done so, we want to thank you and be in conversation so be sure to let us know you’ve name us a beneficiary.
Will or Trust
Life Insurance
Donor Advised Funds
Appreciated Assets
IRA Rollover
Using an IRA rollover to make a gift to the SAISD Foundation as a direct transfer from your IRA allows you to avoid paying taxes on the transfer and apply the gift toward your required minimum distribution.
Wayne Olson – JD, Author Big Gifts, Small Effort
Bernal Dever
Legacy Society
Joe Bernal, Lanier High School Alumnus, Deceased
Dorothy and Rudy Davila, Lanier and Jefferson High School respectively, Deceased
Dolores Greiner, Friend of SAISD Foundation, Former Educator
Armando Lopez, Jr. and Ana Campos de Lopez, Lanier High School Alumnus
Genevieve and Sam Rodriguez, Lanier High School Alumni
Douglas Dever, Former SAISD Employee, Deceased
Gerardo Hernandez, Lanier High School Alumnus
Carol Lee Jones, Brackenridge High School Alumnus, Deceased
Judy Geelhoed, SAISD Foundation Founding Executive Director
Sally Ryden, Friend of SAISD Foundation, Education Volunteer
Bernal Dever Legacy Society
Endowed Scholarship
Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Lanier Endowment Fund
Endowed Scholarship
Rudy and Dorothy have their roots and their legacy in the heart of 78207.
Rudy and Dorothy have their roots and their legacy in the heart of 78207. They also built their foundation in SAISD schools with Dorothy graduating from Lanier and Rudy graduating from Jefferson. In visiting with the Davilas, they wanted to make a lasting impact in providing educational opportunities for students from their same neighborhood. They chose to create an endowment that would initially fund one $1,000 scholarship for graduating seniors from an SAISD high school who live in 78207, with plans to grow. Having endowed scholarships at UT Austin in the School of Pharmacy, the endowed scholarship model was familiar to the Davilas and they knew the lasting difference their investment could make. The Davila Family and Davila Pharmacy have been supporting the local community and residents for 100+ years and this scholarship has been established as an endowment to keep supporting students for years to come!
Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dolores Greiner created this for students pursuing a future career in health care, STEM, or education in memory of her son.
Dolores Greiner created this endowed scholarship fund to support two annual scholarships for students in SAISD schools who are pursuing higher education with plans for a future career in health care, STEM, or education. These scholarships were set up in memory of her son Francis G. Greiner, MD. This endowment is managed by the SAISD Foundation (San Antonio Foundation for Excellence in Education, Inc.).
The Lanier Endowment Fund
This fund is used to support students at Lanier High School, Joe’s alma mater, with resources beyond what the school district can provide.
The Lanier Endowment was gifted to the SAISD Foundation in 2011. This gift was the result of years of fundraising efforts by Joe Bernal and his friends through an annual golf tournament and other means. The interest on the principal of this fund is used each year to support students at Lanier High School, Joe’s alma mater, with needed resources beyond what the school district can provide. Student needs are determined each year by the Campus Leadership Team and approved by the SAISD Foundation with input from active Lanier alumni. Past gifts have included laptops and college support for top graduating seniors, cheer and athletic uniforms and accessories, travel for students to out of region events, a poet in residence and much more. This endowment is managed by the SAISD Foundation (San Antonio Foundation for Excellence in Education, Inc.). Lanier alumni are currently raising funds to increase this endowment to make a larger impact on the students at Lanier each year. You can be a part of it by clicking here to GIVE NOW and indicate Bernal Lanier Endowment in the Notes or mail a check as indicated on the Give Now page. The Bernal Lanier Endowment of the SAISD Foundation can also be named in planned gifts.
Isabel “Belle” Ortiz otherwise known as the “Mother of Mariachi Music Education” made a significant impact on ensuring the art of mariachi and ballet folklórico is practiced in San Antonio ISD and beyond. As the founder of mariachi education in Texas and the United States, her passion for music education has influenced generations of students. As not only an educator and administrator in San Antonio ISD, but also as an alumna of Lanier High School herself, the Belle Ortiz Legacy Fund has been create to ensure these cultural art forms flourish in SAISD for years to come.
Bernal Dever Legacy Society
Estate & Planned Gifts
Named Insurance Beneficiary
Advancing the Education of Hispanics
Educational & Cultura Fund of the
San Antonio Area Foundation
Named Insurance Beneficiary
Alumni of Lanier High School
Genevieve and Sam Rodriguez are proud alumni of Lanier High School who have been involved in supporting student scholarships through the Chili Bowl Gala for many years. Having provided years of leadership in the fundraising efforts of the gala committee, they were disappointed when the event has to be canceled due to the pandemic. They wanted to find a way to make a substantial gift with a lasting impact without writing a check today. In working together with the SAISD Foundation, they each decided to name the SAISD Foundation with a set benefit of their matured life insurance policies. In this way, they are able to make a significant gift with assets of tomorrow, not cash of today. We are honored by their choice. They are quick to admit that Armando and Ana (listed below) inspired them to consider a planned gift and they hope to share with others how easy it was to make a lasting impact.
Advancing the Education of Hispanics
Advancing the Education of Hispanics
Armando Lopez is a graduate of Sidney Lanier High School class of 1966. He was a member of the National Honor Society, Science Club, Yearbook Staff, Social Club, etc. but his passion, however, was music. He was a drummer in the senior band for five years and named a Texas All-State Orchestra drummer for two years. During high school, he was fortunate to have several teachers who helped and encouraged him in the pursuit of a good and solid education. Because of this support and some hard work, he was honored to receive a 4-year scholarship from the George W. Brackenridge Foundation in 1966. Following high school graduation, he attended the University of Texas at Austin and enrolled in the College of Engineering. His career took many interesting and unplanned turns working in the aerospace, defense and energy industries, including the Department of Defense and Department of Energy. However, the privilege of working for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was the ultimate dream/achievement of his career. He retired from NASA in 2010, and currently lives with my wife in Hawaii. Armando and Ana, have seen the positive work accomplished by the SAISD Foundation, and thus support a variety of the Foundation’s goals. They have also committed a portion of their surviving estate for the furtherance of the education of Hispanics. The scholarship Armando received so many years ago was a major factor in completing his advanced education and later success and they want to make those opportunities available to others, particularly to future “Voks!”
Established: 2011
Douglas J. Dever was born in San Antonio, Texas, on May 3, 1942, to Douglas and Elsie Dever. A product of SAISD, Dever graduated from Brackenridge High School. He received his BBA from St. Mary’s University, and an M.Ed. from Southwest Texas State University. Mr. Dever was a former teacher and administrator at Crockett Elementary School. His generous gift established in 2011 supports students at Crockett Elementary with a gift to the school each year. This estate gift is managed by the SAISD Foundation (San Antonio Foundation for Excellence in Education, Inc.).
Educational & Cultura Fund of the
San Antonio Area Foundation
Estate Gift
Ms. Jones was an alumna of Brackenridge High School. Her perpetual gift (any annual gift that will last forever) benefits students at Brackenridge High School each year by helping students to stay in school through the credit recovery program and student programming aimed at increasing student success. This fund is managed by the San Antonio Area Foundation with the SAISD Foundation as the beneficiary.